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Joy is a Lifestyle Choice

How often do you remember that you, a full adult, can go walking into a grocery store today, buy an entire cake for absolutely no special occasion, take it home, then eat it straight out of the package, icing first, with a fork?

Joy is a Lifestyle Choice 

“Joy is a lifestyle choice.” That’s a mantra I repeat to myself often. It’s a reminder that joy is a choice requiring us to recognize where our reality isn’t sparking joy, and where we can find a better way in life. Choosing joy requires us to embrace new levels of comfort and joy, and sometimes, finding a new level of comfort requires us to get really uncomfortable first. 

I recently decided to switch up my wardrobe a bit. I’d been a skinny jeans cult follower since high school, and though I’d mostly embraced the yoga pants life, I was tired of never having something… not yoga pants to wear without feeling uncomfortable for hours. The skinny jeans no longer felt so much like “me” but I really had no idea what did either. 

Recognizing What Brings You Joy

The things that bring us joy aren’t always so obvious. They are oftentimes whimsical, silly, and wrapped up in some unexpected package that tugs on something familiar in us.

I love hanging out with my nieces, who show me the magic of discovery all over again. We recently watched Kim Possible, that Disney show with the cheerleader who saves the world. She wears these groovy green cargo pants all the time, and I remember absolutely loving them when I watched the show as a kid. We joked about being characters from the show for Halloween. That whole bit really stuck with me.

As I thought about how to make a more joyful lifestyle choice with my clothing, I kept coming back to thoughts about those KP cargo pants. I started talking about them with my boyfriend and looking them up online. I eventually tried some on one day while out shopping. They weren’t the ones. 

Getting Comfortable Means Getting Uncomfortable First

I thought about which KP cargo pants would be the ones. Where would I wear them and how? What outfits would feel like me and be comfortable? How many pockets actually make cargo pants functional? I thought about what made a pair of pants fit my lifestyle. I seriously considered what would actually make me feel good and comfortable. 

I had to get a little uncomfortable first, trying out new stores, new styles, new levels of comfort in my wardrobe. I know something as simple as pants, in the grand scheme of things, aren’t that big of a deal. It’s not that monumental of a decision or lifestyle shift. 

I feel different, though. More comfortably authentic. Changing that small part of my lifestyle made me feel more joyful in my day to day life. The KP’s made me feel more like myself in the long run. I have full range of motion, I can fit everything I ever need in my pockets, and I can eat too much cake without popping any seams or buttons. They hide stains shockingly well, and I can climb bull frog statues with even more gusto. Life is good.  

I still wear the jeans every once in a while, but I have so many more comfortable options now. I have the support in my lifestyle for more joyful choices, starting with what pants I wear for my day. 

Where have you overlooked the unassuming places you could find a little more joy in your life? What parts of your lifestyle are making you feel trapped like your old skinny jeans from high school?

You deserve so much more room in your life for joy. Like, the amount of room in the pockets of these KP cargo pants. That’s everything I want for you.

It might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but you deserve to choose a joyful life.